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Privacy Policy

What kind of information is gathered?

Brodi, Marko Brodar IC (independent contractor) collects the following personal information for business purposes: name and surname, address and place of residence, e-mail address, telephone number, password in encrypted form, and other data filled in by users on forms at Brodi is not responsible for the accuracy of the information entered by the user. To ensure that security is met and that information gathered is provable, IP addresses are also collected from users accessing the internet page. Each individual is assigned a session cookie at the beginning of the visit, which is used for the identification and monitoring of the shopping cart. When accessing, other cookies can also be stored on the user’s computer, such as the user’s ID number in an encrypted format (for the purpose of identifying the user at the next visit) and Google Analytics cookies (for website visit analysis). Session cookies are stored on the server’s memory bank only for the duration of the visit and are deleted after one hour of inactivity. Permanent cookies are stored on the user’s computer for 2 years, after that they become inactive. Check the list of used COOKIES.

The manner and purpose of processing personal data

By using the website, the user agrees with the current rules and General Terms and Conditions published on the site. The user can regularly monitor possible changes to the general terms and conditions and, consequently, the manner and purpose of processing the collected personal data. As the data manager, Brodi, Marko Brodar IC, can use the gathered data in anonymised summarized form for the purpose of statistical analysis. Brodi, Marko Brodar IC, will under no circumstances hand user information to unauthorized third-parties.

Subscribing to the newsletter

Users can subscribe to newsletters with informs them of Brodi novelties on offer online and other sales locations, marketing activities and other promotions. By subscribing to the newsletter, the user is registered in the list of newsletter recipients, which is also serves as the list for the beneficiaries of benefits on offer from Brodi (news about novelties, monthly prize contest, product of the month…). To subscribe to the newsletter, Brodi, Marko Brodar IC, collects the following data: e-mail address, IP, and in case the user registers as a registered member also his/her first and last name, address, telephone number and date of birth.

After sending the form with an attached e-mail address, the user receives a confirmation message to the specified e-mail address. By confirming the subscription, the user is signed up to the Brodi newsletter until cancelation (so called opt-in approval).By clicking on the Unsubscribe button in the newsletter or by cancelling the subscription in writing, the user can request from the personal data manager to permanently or temporarily stop using his/her personal information for the purpose of marketing. The request will be complied within 15 days from the day of received request, as prescribed by law. The user may also request the transmission of data or to familiarize with them. Manager Brodi, Marko Brodar IC, vows to carefully protect the data in accordance with the legislation governing the protection of personal data. Brodi sends the newsletter via the online application MailChimp.

Participation in prize contests

The processing of collected data through participation in prize contests is governed by the rules on prize contests.

User registration

In the online store, every individual can also sign up to become a registered user. The contents of the online store are also accessible to anonymous unregistered users (guests). Registered users in the registration process provide the requested information. Every registered user gets his/her username and password, which is secret. The user is obliged to ensure that he/she will manage the password solely himself or by a person authorized from him/her. Each user is solely responsible for the content that he/she writes on the webpage The buyer on the online store is exclusively the registered user, the unregistered user (guest) who buys goods for personal or non-profit purposes. On the webpage, the buyer is solely a natural person.

In the event that the user registers, the company Brodi, Marko Brodar IC will use the entered data, until cancellation, to process the user’s order, to prepare even more relevant offers, for marketing analyses that will help improve the sales process. The data can also be used remarketing. Registration enables the user easier tracking of past purchases and shortens the purchasing process. The company Brodi, Marko Brodar IC, holds on the data until cancelation from the user or cancellation in accordance with Slovenian legislation. The user can unsubscribe at any time either in writing by sending a mail to or by clicking the Delete Account button. In case the user wishes to delete his/her account, the e-mail must contain the following information: the subject of the e-mail should be User Account Deletion; the message must contain the name and surname of the user, the address and the e-mail address used to register; the message must be sent from the e-mail address which was used for the registration.

Shopping as a guest

In the event that the user carries out the order as a guest, the company Brodi, Marko Brodar IC can use the filled data for the processing of the purchased order. As a taxable person Brodi, Marko Brodar IC must ensure in accordance with Article 86. of the Law on VAT the storage of invoices relating to the supply of goods or services in the territory of Slovenia for at least 10 years after the expiration of the ear to which the invoices relate – thus also retaining the data which are on the invoices.

Contact forms and e-mail delivery

The user may issue specific question to the Brodi Company, Marko Brodar IC through the use of contact forms or e-mail addresses published on the website. With this, the user trusts the operator with the given information. The information will be used to solve the user’s questions. The e-mail addresses listed on the website are not personal, but business e-addresses. They are not tied to one psychical person. The data provided in this way can be processed by different person – in order to quickly and efficiently solve the user’s question. By sending an e-mail via the online form or to the addresses listed on the website, the user agrees to the General Terms and Conditions of the website.

User rights

The user may at any time request to familiarize himself/herself with the personal data that the manager processes. The user can request for the limitation of the data, deletion, correction or data transfer. Any questions related to the protection of personal data on the website can also be forwarded to the e-mail address

How do we ensure data security?

The user information provided through forms on pages or otherwise (via e-mail, telephone, etc.) are confidential and treated in accordance with the current Slovenian legislation. Brodi, Marko Brodar IC will safeguard the personal data and prevent their abuse. Personal data will only be used for the purposes for which the users have given their consent. Access to the personal data is available only by Brodi, Marko Brodar IC authorized persons (employees, contract partners). The user is also responsible for the protection of the personal data. The user is obliged to ensure the security of his/her username and password.

Brodi, Marko Brodar IC uses SSL technology for the transmission of all personal data of the user, which ensures the coding of all information sent through orders. All your confidential information that you enter for the purpose of making a purchase or registration, and are then transmitted over the Internet, are properly encrypted so that there is no possibility of any third-party identification or abuse. For this purpose, the online store uses SSL (Secure Socket Layer) technology and a 256bit encryption key. The payment card information entered by the user in the case of such a payment method, is transferred in a coded form from the user’s computer directly to the authorized server of the bank.

Providing data to authorized partners

The information entrusted by the user to the manager is confidential. Brodi, Marko Brodar IC does not pass it on to unauthorized third-parties. However, personal data may be forwarded to trusted partners or by law, in accordance with the current Law on Personal Data Protection. Data may be transmitted to:

  • Data processing companies and information services that ensure the smooth operation of the site and its improvement (server hosting, e-mail marketing…)
  • Marketing agencies for the purpose of remarketing (in encrypted form)
  • Companies that provide a smooth process of purchase (PayPal, delivery services, etc.), but only to the extent necessary for the successful execution of the order;
  • Authorized institutions, if required by law (court, etc.)

All partners who are authorized to access the personal data are obligated to handle them in accordance with European legislation.


By using the website, the user agrees to the General Terms of Use published on the website. The user can regularly monitor possible changes to the General Conditions on the website and consequently, the manner and purpose of processing the collected personal data.

Link to social networks

By clicking on the icon of an individual social network (Facebook, Instagram), which is located on the website Brodi, Marko Brodar IC, the user can easily access the profiles of Brodi, Marko Brodar IC on social networks and posts of other users on social networks with content related to Brodi, Marko Brodar IC. Clicking on these buttons/icons enables the social network to quickly provide the user with relevant information according to the user’s online activity.

The manager of the personal data is: Brodi, Marko Brodar IC, Za Mošenikom 9, 4290 Tržič, Slovenia, SI 29862647. Any questions about the privacy and the processing of personal data can be forwarded to

HVALA, dobili smo čudovite copatke za Dašo. V naslednjih dneh bom naročila še ene za 7. razred, samo da jih hčerka nariše. Vaši copati so enkratni... SUPER STE, le tako naprej!!!

Špela M.Mori