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Our story


Love of producing slippers is passing from generation to generation in family Brodar. Grandparents have started with craftsmanship long time ago in 1930. Than the war came – time of chaos, unproductive economy society.  In year 1946 the craft was reborn by my grandmother. She was creating slippers, which were also exported to Austria. In this golden days more than 10 craftsman were employed. Grandparents continued successfully in this craft until 1968. In the meantime, my parents were employed in factory Peko, as most of the people with shoemaker’s skills around. In 1984 they decided to restart the family craft and they started to make school slippers, classical slippers and light footwear.  As a schoolboy and later as a student I always wanted to help them in our workshop. Already at that time, I have realised that this is my passion. During my studies of leather manufacturing technology, my father got ill. At that time I have made an important step. I have took over the company and started to write a new story.
20 years ago when we decided for our craft we followed our family tradition. We started making a unique products made out of natural leather and products of small series. Use of different colours, fashion accessories and following latest trends are key factors to our success. Everything is easier to achieve  because the member of our team is someone, who has thousands ideas in her head and has incredible sense for design. This person is my wife Vesna. She is our idea advisor and author of lots of our Brodi creations. Together we are managing the workshop, where our unique leather products are born.


For us, the most important factors at our products are quality and design. We are paying a lot of attention to this, since we want to make the best leather products in Slovenia. Theme and colour combinations on our products are unique and matchless and they are all made in our workshop. We try to get close to all generations with a wide range of unique trendy leather products and top services for our customers. »Every person is a unique, therefore she/he deserves a unique product«. This is one of our leading principles - that the product is as unique as person who has it.
Sometimes for your self-confidence and well-being is enough to wear a product or to have an accessory in just the right size and just the right colour. Be unique with Brodi!


Marko Brodar, managing director
Vesna Brodar Zore, designer


Certificate DUO – product of art and craft, presented by The Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia. 

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Špela Odlazek